Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • What I’ve been reading: August

    What I’ve been reading: August

    I am on a mission with my reading. As anyone who reads blog will know, I am a staunch believer in the notion that you can’t watch the movie/ TV show before you’ve read the book (although there have been some exceptions – I have never had the time nor the motivation to read A…

  • A fresh start

    A fresh start

    I don’t normally write much about relationships on here, but I need an outlet so here we are. To cut a long and confusing story short, I got dumped on Monday and then dumped all over again by the same person on Wednesday. So yeah, it’s been a week. It’s not like I haven’t had…

  • What I’ve been reading: July

    What I’ve been reading: July

    With everything that’s been going on in the world recently, I, like many other people, wanted to educate myself on the issues of race and racism that are prevalent not just in the US but around the world. Against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement, I chose to read Bernadine Evaristo’s Girl, Woman,…

  • A little bit of self love

    A little bit of self love

    One of my favourite quotes from literature is from Toni Morrison’s Beloved: “you are your best thing”. It’s an important reminder to love and cherish yourself, even in some of your darkest and most difficult times. And that’s what today’s short post is about. If the lockdown has taught me one thing, it’s that sitting…

  • A letter to future me

    A letter to future me

    In the last couple of days, I’ve been listening to the radio, where people have been writing letters to explain the current pandemic and lockdown to their 10 year old selves. It’s inspired me to reflect on what we’ve been through over the past few months, and how it’s affected me personally. But instead of…

  • What I’ve been reading: June

    What I’ve been reading: June

    As if 2020 has gone by in a state of lockdown and we are already in July. How has this happened? Since I’m still working four day weeks and I’ve had to take all of my annual leave on top of that, I have had a lot of time on my hands to do not…

  • The Small Things

    The Small Things

    I’ll be honest, I’ve really struggled to come up with anything to say to start off this blog. It just feels like we’ve been in lockdown for so long that there’s nothing new to say; everything is the same every single day. But even though the writer’s block is hitting me kind of hard, the…

  • Sharing is caring

    Sharing is caring

    It’s cheesy but it’s true. Most people know now, that when it comes to mental health, it’s so valuable to talk about your experiences and it can be the first and often the most important step in recovery. But what’s less often acknowledged is the effect that speaking up can have on others. I’ve been…

  • Say aloe to my little friends…

    Say aloe to my little friends…

    … because I like plants now. Like a lot of people, I’ve been thinking of ways to keep myself occupied during the lockdown, and it’s been an eye-opener finding out what I am, and am not, good at. I am not good at crocheting. I am good at growing things. A few minor seedling deaths…

  • What I’ve been reading: May

    What I’ve been reading: May

    So, I’m not going to lie: apart from the physical books, sunburn is the only evidence of my reading this month. But sunburn aside (it’s turning into tan now anyway), it’s been a bumper book month, mostly because of my newly free Fridays. It’s also a month that I’ve just realised is also dedicated to…

Got any book recommendations?